Unit of Literature for Znamensk Branch
Our main functions are as follows:
- Differentiated services for our readers;
- Prompt meeting of readers’ requests;
- Formation of an auxiliary stock of scientific and artistic literature in accordance with programs of professional education, their syllabi, and themes of top-priority scientific researches undertaken at ASU;
- Control of readers’ return of books to the library within the proper terms;
- Participation in acquisition of new book items;
- Acquisition, keeping, and storing of book stock under secure conditions.
Address: 16 Ostrovskogo Str., Znamensk, Astrakhan Oblast 416540 Russia
Phone: +7-85-14-02-46-88.
Address: 16 Ostrovskogo Str., Znamensk, Astrakhan Oblast 416540 Russia
Phone: +7-85-14-02-46-88.
Последнее редактирование: 25-01-2019, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович